Sunday, December 29, 2019

Revenge For My Sons - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1032 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Revenge Essay Did you like this example? Shit Porky, said Joe They know were here! Grab the money and lets get the hell out before they find out who we really are! Give me a few more minutes. Frankie will have our asses if we get caught, replied Porky. Wait; is this a baseball bat under the counter? Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Revenge For My Sons" essay for you Create order Joe replies, You idiot, its not a baseball bat, its a ticking time bomb. Forget the money lets leave! Now Por But, it was too late. Porky Grimes and Joe Grimes got blown to pieces by a time bomb. Only fragments of limbs were left of them. But, this was no accident. Someone knew the two would be at that exact store at that exact time, to send a message to The Family. There were other ways to send a message, but that was just monstrous. My two sons didnt deserve to go out like this. They died the night of January 31, 1923. Avenging their deaths was then our top priority. I am Frankie Grimes, the boss of the largest Italian mob on the eastern seaboard, otherwise known as The Family. Everywhere you look and turn, I have inside connections feeding me details about all business I pertain to. I started by going to the police station to talk to my informant Leo, to shed some light on the murder. I needed to know everything the cops were able to find before I send out my own people. I walk in to Leos office and say, Ayyyye Leoooooo. Ayyyyyyyye, replies Leo. How can I assist your needs? I need all the information youve got on the monsters that killed my sons. Apparently eye witnesses report seeing an Irish thug with an orange clover tattoo on his shoulder going into the store right before closing. He was carrying a doctors bag, but left a few minutes later without the bag. Its those Raider bastards again. Bingo. Thank you for your time Leo. Now I have business to attend to. Good luck, Frankie. The only people in town with orange clover tattoos are the Irish Raiders, led by Micheal McHeart. His gang and The Family have been on bad terms ever since the Probhition started three years ago, and I began outselling McHeart in the illegal alcohol industry, taking over the city in the process. I couldnt let my sons deaths put a damper on The Family making money, so that night, even with the risks of another attack, I gave the go ahead to send out the trucks to deliver to speakeasies. I even put guards on every truck so we could stop the thugs before any funny business continues. I went to bed that night knowing that everything would be okay. Unfortunately I was wrong; I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my door being kicked in and gun shots going on throughout my house. Those thugs were coming straight for me now. They barged in my room and I was ready with a shotgun. Knock knock, assholes, I said with shotgun in hand. You need to learn some god damn manners next time you come for a visit. Were not here to visit, replied an Irish thug. Our boss sent us to end The Familys affairs. You people have been dominating everything around here since the prohibition, and now it comes to an end. Well you can tell your boss Ill see him in hell when he gets there in a few hours. At that moment my wife comes out from behind them with a loaded revolver, shoots both of them point blank in the back of head, ending their crusade to kill me. I thanked her with my life and promise to get her a new puppy. I promptly got dressed in a dark suit and head to my office to plan the death of the Irish Raiders. Briefly, I talked with my top leaders and informants to strike that night. McHeart was going to be in the backroom of the Jazz Club on downtown 8th street. If we took out McHeart, the Raiders wouldnt have had any leadership and would collapse. I arranged so that McHeart is thinking he is meeting with representatives of the Monster Moving Company to ship his illegal liquor to different places around the state, but instead it will be my brother Louie and I to ship his soul straight to hell. With pistols in our trench coats, Louie and I walked in just as the band began to play. We walked in the backroom and to our surprise he was alone. Even children who roam the streets know its not safe to be alone. As long as I live, Ill never forget this moment. McHeart had on an orange suit covered with orange clovers. His bright orange beard stuck out like a midnight fire. Not even 4 steps in the door and he stood up to greet us. Gentlemen, stated Mcheart, welcome! I suppose you are here to talk about distributing my liquor? In a harsh tone I reply, Not exactly you Irish prick, Im here to avenge the deaths of my sons. So youre the mob boss Frankie. replied McHeart. I see you lived my assassination attempt. Youre damn right I lived! Your little gnus didnt stand much of a match for my wifes revolver. But why come after me? Its not my fault you dont know how this business works. You and your gang have been screwing with our prosperity for much too long. Im tired of being treated like a pile of crap by your thugs and everyone you associate with. All the disrespect to my organization was criminal. So I decided to take it upon myself to make a statement, but now that youre here, I can make this much easier. Mcheart reached in his jacket and grabbed his Colt 1911. Unfortunately for him it was too late. By the time his gun was out of his jacket, he already had five or so bullets lodged in his chest, staining his white jacket with blood instantly. McHeart fell with a giant thud, staining the hardwood floor. The ordeal was finally over and I got my revenge.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Theory Of A Sheltered Only Child - 1002 Words

Event Analyzed, Theories Applied A sheltered only child, I lacked social learning from my peers in regards to my bike riding. I had the desire to complete these tasks because of vicarious reinforcement, however vicarious reinforcement can often be coupled with fear and anxiety regarding individual performance. Socioculturally, bike riding is what children did and were expected to do at the time. Which made the demand for my performance to excel at the task all the more daunting. Biologically speaking my gross motor skills were under developed for my age group, I lacked the ability to balance among other issues. Psycholanalytically, doubt outweighed autonomy surely due to an issue between my mother and myself at an earlier developmental†¦show more content†¦Secondly, I would like to apply theories of behaviorism and social learning in comparison to the findings of Erikson. Erickson’s theory as previously mentioned is based on what he referred to as psychological confli cts, and is defined by eight stages. The four stages of the theory found in childhood development begin with the basic trust versus mistrust stage during infancy. Essentially the infant’s perception of the world is based on the responsiveness or neglect of their caregiver(s). I assume that my needs at this stage of development where in fact met, because I have and do view the world in a positive and trusting manner. The second of Erikson’s stages occurs between the ages of one and three, autonomy versus shame and doubt. During this stage of development when children are honing their newly found mental capabilities and motor skills, it is important that a parent allow the child freedom to express themselves reasonably thus fostering autonomy. The inability to do so can lead to the child feeling shame and doubt, and thus lacking initiative in the following stage. It is at this point, I am certain my own parenting experience went awry. My mother’s anxiety over even the smallest possible issue provoked her to stifle me at this stage. Her inability to allow me to make a mistake, such as fall left me ingrained with

Friday, December 13, 2019

Criminal Case Defense Free Essays

When a person gets arrested for a crime, that person will remain a suspect until proven guilty otherwise in court. This person will then have the chance to avail himself with the best legal representation available. â€Å"A defense consists of evidence and arguments offered by a defendant and his or her attorney(s) to show why that person should not be held liable for a criminal charge† (Schmalleger, 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on Criminal Case Defense or any similar topic only for you Order Now Generally speaking, there are two types of defense: factual and legal. When talking about factual defense, this simply means that the defendant claims that there was no crime committed. An example of a factual defense is when the defendant claims that he or she was not in the crime scene, usually called an alibi or proof beyond reasonable doubt does not exist. There are two possible outcomes on a factual defense: acquittal or lesser punishment. A legal defense in contrast is when a defendant may confess to committing the crime but disagrees with his or her accountability because of a certain variable supporting the act such as mental incapacity or insanity. In a legal defense, factual guilt is immaterial for assertion and the defendant may defend his or her act with justifications, excuses or prove that constitutional rights or other laws have been violated by the government concerning evidence, relevant materials or witnesses about his or her case. A legal defense may have multiple outcomes such as acquittal, reduction in punishment, exclusion of evidence, exclusion of witnesses and more. There are two forms of legal defenses. The two forms of legal defenses are justifications, in which the defendant admits to committing the act in question but claims is was necessary in order to avoid some greater evil, and excuses, in which the defendant claims that some personal condition or circumstance at the time of the act was such that he or she should not be held accountable under the criminal law† (Schmalleger, 2010). To better understand the two forms, an example of a justification is when a son is trapped in the neighbors tree house and the father has to trespass and possible destroy his neighbors property to let his son free. The fathers reason for trespassing someone else’s home and also damaging property is justifiable because his intention was to save his sons life. An example of an excuse is killing someone while sleep walking. The excused actor admits to doing harm but claims an absence of personal culpability. â€Å"Justifications and excuses are affirmative defenses, that is, they must be raised or asserted by the defendant independently of any claims made by the prosecutor. This is a variance from the general rule that places the burden of production and persuasion on the government. For affirmative defenses, defendants bear the burden of production, that is, they must assert the defense at the time required by law. Failure to raise an affirmative defense in a timely manner acts as a waiver of the defense. States vary about the burden of persuasion placed on the defendant. Some require the defendant to prove the defense; others shift the burden to the prosecution to disprove defense† (Schmalleger, 2010). Many variables are included when the conduct in which the violated law may be justifiable. Six different defenses fall under justifications. Necessity for one is a justifiable defense to a criminal charge in which the defendant claims that it was necessary to commit some unlawful act in order to prevent greater evil or harm. If a man deemed that it was necessary to destroy windows in a burning house to vent the smoke and save victims in it from smoke inhalation and help them escape, he justifies his act on destruction of property to save lives and avoid harm. Another is self-defense simply means to defend one’s self from harm or threatening situations. To protect one’s self is a right and a natural response but has limitations. If an attacker for example punches a victim, the victim has the right to defend himself or stop the situation to progress by attacking the attacker as well until the threat is ended. In this example, if the threat was ended by the victim knocking the attacker unconscious and the victim is aware and still kept hitting the attacker until he dies is no longer self defense. If the threat no longer exists the victim should go away and call the authorities and let them handle the situation from there. In self defense, reasonable force must be presented when defending a case. When another person is being victimized and a person defends the victim from harm this defense is called defense of others or sometimes called defense of a third person. Defense of others always requires that the defender be free from fault and that he or she act to aid an innocent person who is in the process of being victimized. Defense of home and property also falls under justifications. Four situations which are protection of personal property, defense of home or habitation, defense of another’s property and use of mechanical device to protect property are justifiable means when using protection of property as a defense. In most jurisdictions, the owner of property can justifiably use reasonable non deadly force to prevent others from unlawfully taking or damaging that property† (Schmalleger, 2010). An example of unreasonable deadly force to protect property is shooting an unarmed trespasser but shooting while being robbed by an armed robber who has intent to kill is reasonable use of deadly force. The fifth defense that can be used as a justification is resisting unlawful arrest. This is a very sensitive case and requires factual and accurate evidence when resisting unlawful arrest from peace officers. Last defense to be covered under justifications is consent. â€Å"Consent is a justification offered as a defense to a criminal charge, that claims that the person suffering as injury either agreed to sustain the injury or accepted the possibility of injury before the activity was undertaken† (Schmalleger, 2010). In the remaining of this paper, the second major category of defenses which is â€Å"excuses† will be discussed followed by the analysis between the legal and medical perspectives on mental illness and insanity. In most cases, excuses are personal in nature. Defendants would claim that their actions were based on some disability or some abnormal condition such as intoxication, insanity or immaturity. There are several excuses recognized by law which includes: duress, intoxication, mistake, age, entrapment, insanity, diminished capacity and various syndromes to a limited degree. However, where a defendant suffers from a know disability, that disability alone is not sufficient to excuse him or her of criminal responsibility. Insanity and mental illness are probably two of the biggest issues and also hard to prove in court as an excuse. Many defendants throughout the years won a case using insanity and mental illness as an excuse. Some scientists and medical experts have been studying the human mind, and although the studies are far from complete and still difficult to fully understand, there are distinctions and differences concerning insanity and mental illness. On a medical perspective differentiating the two; â€Å"symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning ight be a mental illness and when symptoms cause distress even beyond scope of problems mental illness comes with it might be considered insanity in which the person is no longer responsible for his or her actions† (Helium inc. , 2009). Insanity is a social and legal term rather that a medical one. Psychiatrists speak instead of mental disorders rather that use the term insanity which makes is difficult to fit into legal categories, either way, the legal concept of insanity has its basis in some disease of the mind. The lack of mens rea or showing that mens rea was present but accompanied by a mental disease of defect affects criminal liability in a case. In conclusion, a criminal defense consists of evidences and arguments offered in court by a defendant through an attorney to show why the defendant should not be held liable for crimes charged against him or her. There are many aspects in a criminal case defense a defendant needs to adhere to in order to prove innocence. Criminal defenses have two types and under legal defense, defenses may be built upon three bases which are alibis, justifications and excuses. Under excuses, insanity and mental illness was covered in a medical and legal perspective. In some jurisdictions due to the difficulties with assessing insanity from a legal perspective, insanity has been eliminated as an excuse in court in regards with a criminal charge. However defendants in all jurisdictions may still claim presence of mental disease at the time of the act which eliminates the mental culpability or mens rea needed for the criminal activity. How to cite Criminal Case Defense, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Middle east free essay sample

Systems of government in the Middle East are almost without exception authoritarian which means leaders are not selected through free and fair elections, and a relatively narrow group of people control the state apparatus and are not held accountable for their decisions by the broader public. Political rights refer to characteristics such as free and fair elections for the chief executive and the legislature; the ability of citizens to organize in multiple political parties and compete in elections free from interference by the military, religious or other powerful groups. Civil liberties refers to the freedom of expression or more likely to be referred as individual rights. The establishment and spread of Islam began in the 17th century C. E. Two empires dominated the middle east The Sasanids (Iraq and Iran) and the Byzantines (Anatolian Empire). Muhammad a young caravan trader became the prophet of Islam. The last great Islamic empire was the Ottoman empire. Founded by Turkic tribes. Sharia Islamic law. Ulama clerics. Nationalism became a powerful ideology. It inspired many of the Ottomans subject peoples to secede. European Imperialism in the Middle East Britains footprint in the Middle East turned on two main concerns: securing access to regional oil supplies and protecting key access routes to India Several countries in the region escaped the yoke of direct European rule. Turkey was the successor of the Ottoman Empire in its core Anatolian Peninsula territory. Creation of the State of Israel The modern story of emergence of Israel began in Europe. Theodor Herzl began to advance the Zionist case that Jews constituted a nation, one hat needed its own nation-state in order to ensure that Jews could live in security and dignity in a land where they constituted a majority. On May 14, 1948, Zionist leaders proclaimed the State of Israel. The conflict between the newly created Jewish state and its Arab neighbours continues to the present. Pathways from Colonialism Israel was becoming a reality in the Middle East at about the same time that Middle Eastern populations were preparing to throw off the oppression of European domination. Egypt and Iraq achieved independence relatively early, in the 1930s. A wave of independence achievements then came during and after World War II, with Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia becoming independent in that order between 1943 and 1956. Kuwait, Algeria, and (South) Yemen became independent in the 1960s, and the Gulf States of Bahrain, Qatar, and the I-JAE The Structure and Dispositions ofFounding Regimes After Independence Founding regimes in the region†meaning the first set of stable, patterned, and lasting dynamics regarding the processes by which leaders were selected and how those eaders in turn exercised power. 3 categories: 1 . Single-party systems Political systems dominated by single, preponderant political parties emerged all of which were republics ruled in dictatorial fashion by presidents. . Monarchies The right to rule stemmed not from elections but rather from claims about the legitimacy of specific families indefinite monopoly on power. 3. Democratic and semidemocratic systems In the post imperial Middle East, Just three countries had democratic or semidemocratic politics when it came to the ability of itizens to vote incumbents out of office through elections: Israel, Turkey, and Lebanon. Al l three countries constitutional structures featured a president alongside a prime minister and cabinet constituted from an elected parliament. For the Middle Easts mostly authoritarian incumbent rulers, a new global democratic ethos was unwelcome, as it served to further delegitimize regimes whose constituents were already discontented and who faced increasingly significant Islamist oppositions. Meanwhile, all rulers†democrats and dictators†struggled with painful economic eform processes and worried about how the losers would react politically Chapter 2: Governments and Oppositions Citizens political actions depend on the nature of the political environment in which they live. Governments established the parameters of the political environment, regulating when, how and who can participate in politics. The Middle East is a microcosm of the contemporary worlds diverse forms of government. Democracies In a democratic regime, control of the government is decided through periodic elections that allow competition between two or more groups. Examples: Iraq, Israel, Lebanon and Palestinian authority. Four basic criteria for a political system to be democratic. First, parties are not allowed to rule the repeatedly. Second, whoever wins will be allowed to assume office, even if the opposition wins. Third, elected officials must be able to exercise their powers without being subjected from unelected officials. Lastly, elections must be repeated. Semidemocracies When two political power is divided between elected civilian politicians and unelected veto groups who can and do block the full functioning of the democratic rocess. Examples: Iran and Turkey Nondemocracies When political systems that are neither democracies nor full-fledged dictatorships but an ambiguous form in between. They are sub-divided into two categories, the republics and the monarchies. Examples: Republics: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia ad I-JAE Oppositions An individual or group can be opposed to some government policy or person but not take steps to act on that opposition, preferring withdrawal or avoidance. The most heated area of opposition in the M. E is over official ideologies. 3 main strategies used y opposition groups: Organization building, Ideological mobilization and Tactical variation. Organizations of Oppositions A political party is a group of like-minded people who form an organization that competes for votes to get its candidates elected to public office. Thus, opposition groups can come int 2 diff. forms: social movements and armed organization. Ideologies of Opposition *ideas are important resources in the process of political mobilization. 3 main types of oppositional ideologies: ideologies espousing defense of minority group of rights, leftist ideology and religious based ideology. Tactics of Oppostiton *variation in tactics The choice of different tactics feeds back into and transforms ideology, so we should not assume that groups are identical simply because they espouse a similar ideology. Governments and Oppositions 3 types of political environments: 1. Undivided inclusive No political opponents are allowed to participate in the formal political system. 2. Undivided exclusive where governments allow virtually all groups to participate in elections. 3. Divided where governments include some opposition groups and individuals but rigorously exclude others.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

I love Facebook. It is the new Christmas card. Tha Essays - Culture

I love Facebook. It is the new Christmas card. That's the way I perceive Facebook these days. Whatever else it may be to me on a daily basis, I consider it at the very least to be the way I will stay in touch with people whom I don't connect with very often. Instead of some ratty old scribbled-on, perpetually-incorrect and out-of-date address book like the one my mother has been dragging around for decades, Facebook lets me know where old neighbors, distant relatives, former colleagues, and middle-school girlfriends can be found if I need them, and often tells me what they are up to these days. Facebook gives me all of this without any effort at all. That's why Facebook is cool. But Facebook also gives me so much more. I can waste time during the day socializing with more current and geographically present friends, including those I do actually spend time with in person, when we are otherwise supposed to be working at our respective and supposed jobs. It reminds me of all the specials and events happening at my favorite local pubs. It updates my address book automatically with new profile photos of my friends, even the funny ones, so I see them on my phone when they call me. The other day I thought Duran Duran was trying to call me from the 80s, but it turns out my little sister just likes Duran Duran. Even if it means I sometimes have to be aware of how awesome Joe is at playing Mafia Wars, and how many barns Karen has on her virtual farm, it is totally worth it. I once thought that having an Excel file with all my friends' names, phone numbers, and email addresses in it was a big improvement over my mother's address book, because I didn't have to erase or scribble anything out to update it. I don't have to update Facebook at all. And even though this all happens more or less automatically, I still have options. I can choose whether to participate, and to what degree. I can post status updates, or just be nosey and read everyone else's updates, commenting only when I have something mean to say. I can post pictures of my kids and/or my ridiculous drunken escapades while the kids are away with their mother, or not. I can post current photos of myself if I feel like it, or only old and awesome ones. I can look at photos of other people's kids, and pretend I care by commenting about how cute they are, or I can make fun of them from a safe distance without hurting anyone's feelings. I can keep separate lists of people with whom I have different kinds of relationships, and control what each of those groups of people sees. I can make sure that no one from work sees photos of my kids or is ever otherwise aware that I sometimes participate in wholesome family activities. I can make sure that my family members neve r see anything that might even slightly resemble professional activity. I can make sure that everyone sees the photos from outside the strip club. I have a very poor reputation to maintain, and Facebook helps me reach my goals. I have some friends, henceforth referred to as "individuals formerly known as friends" because everyone knows that use of the term "friend" only applies to Facebook, who swear they will never use Facebook because of some deep-held philosophical, moral, or ethical convictions. I think that is a lot of bullshit. And I don't say this only because I have no philosophy, morals, or ethics of my own. I also really mean it. Some of these individuals formerly known as friends tell me that their disinterest in Facebook is a result of their preference to communicate "face-to-face" because it provides a richer and more meaningful interpersonal experience. Bullshit. If I avoided communicating with my friends and family except when there were time and opportunity to participate in a rich and meaningful interpersonal experience I wouldn't have any friends or family at all. I spend time with people "face-to-face" when I can, but that time has never, to my

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on F.D.

, â€Å"He then told her to cross her hands; he tied them with a strong rope, and led her to a stool under a large hook in the joist, put in for the purpose. He made her get upon the stool, and tied her hands to he hook.† He remembered the cries of his Aunt for mercy. â€Å"I remember the first time I ever witnessed this horrible exhibition. I was quite a child, but I well remember it. I never shall forget it whilst I remember anything.† Douglass’s long termed memory can be considered as both a gift and a curse; for to remember such acts must be disturbing and yet to remember also never lets one forget. Douglass had witnessed some unthinkable acts of cruelty, during his life span but managed to use these negativities in a positive way. He uses these memories of his past, of truth, as motivation to become a free man, to escape the making of future dehumanizing memories. He believes in truth, that the truth will set him free from this pain; it will speak for itself. It was a combination of his personal traits: observation, faith in truth, perseverance, self-education and brawn that brought him to seek, attempt, and eventually succeed in finding freedom. His momentum for freedom came from internal instinct. These traits and his exposure to both human and inhuman environments inspired him to resist the dehumanizing character of slavery. His self-sophistication and success as a pre-eminent crusader against slavery, as a speaker and a writer is amazing to me.... Free Essays on F.D. Free Essays on F.D. In Frederick Douglass’s words, â€Å"He then told her to cross her hands; he tied them with a strong rope, and led her to a stool under a large hook in the joist, put in for the purpose. He made her get upon the stool, and tied her hands to he hook.† He remembered the cries of his Aunt for mercy. â€Å"I remember the first time I ever witnessed this horrible exhibition. I was quite a child, but I well remember it. I never shall forget it whilst I remember anything.† Douglass’s long termed memory can be considered as both a gift and a curse; for to remember such acts must be disturbing and yet to remember also never lets one forget. Douglass had witnessed some unthinkable acts of cruelty, during his life span but managed to use these negativities in a positive way. He uses these memories of his past, of truth, as motivation to become a free man, to escape the making of future dehumanizing memories. He believes in truth, that the truth will set him free from this pain; it will speak for itself. It was a combination of his personal traits: observation, faith in truth, perseverance, self-education and brawn that brought him to seek, attempt, and eventually succeed in finding freedom. His momentum for freedom came from internal instinct. These traits and his exposure to both human and inhuman environments inspired him to resist the dehumanizing character of slavery. His self-sophistication and success as a pre-eminent crusader against slavery, as a speaker and a writer is amazing to me....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Personal Matter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Personal Matter - Essay Example In spite of the fact that Bird is considered further on as an existential hero, his life wanderings and life searching for his self-identity can be referred to realists. The issue of existentialism in the Eastern culture is not properly studied. More often researchers and philosophers were focused on the issues of spirituality and religion in Japanese literature, but not on the existential issues. Oe confesses that he was greatly influenced by the works of French philosopher Sartre. Therefore, it is interesting to find out existential basis of the main character of the novel by Oe. At first Bird is represented as an escaper, the man who wants to escape from his family, his problems and his country and rush into African jungles. His existential wanderings in his inner world should be separated from his adventurous spirit. Still, it is interesting to trace existential and realistic aspects of Bird’s life. ... These â€Å"falls† into the past for Sartre coincide with â€Å"descend into the darkness† for Bird. Thus, one of the basic concepts for existentialists, such as death is interpreted by Bird in the best traditions of existentialism. Another concept â€Å"freedom† mean "openness, readiness to grow, flexibility, and changing in pursuit of greater human values" for existentialists (Yoshida, 1995). The ability to choose is the crucial issue of this concept. Freedom is accompanied by responsibility. This principle is reflected by Bird. At first he is tortured by his inability to make a right choice. Firstly, he prefers life of his child, then he escapes from this monstrous child-vegetable and finally he changes his mind claiming that a child has a right to live. Thus, in terms of existentialism, Bird goes through a thorny path from freedom of choice to his responsibility (Havel, 2002). The fundamental principle for existentialists is the absence of God. Bird does not believe in God himself as well. The existence in the absurd world is the largest existentialist problem. Bird is not referred by his name throughout the novel; he has only a nickname. It looks as if this man is thrown into an absurd world and is subjected to eternal sufferings. Throughout the novel Bird wants to escape from reality (Schneider and Gabriel, 1999). Moreover, it looks as if Bird goes around in circles: at first he wants to escape from his family and nation, but lastly he finally returns to these two basic pillars of his life (Schneider and Gabriel, 1999). Still, it may be argued that existential nature of Bird can be questioned. The readers are fascinated while observing a life struggle of Bird. Moreover, opponents